Italiens beste MTB-Urlaubsziele
Italien ist eines der besten (wenn nicht DAS beste!) Ziel für einen Mountainbike-Urlaub. Mit seinen sorgfältig gestalteten Trails, die von einigen der besten Trail-Shaper der Welt erstellt und gepflegt werden, kann es schwer sein, dem Charme seiner Umgebung zu widerstehen! Von der Durchquerung der majestätischen Alpen und ihren berühmten MTB-Erlebnissen bis hin zum Eintauchen in alles, was sie zu bieten hat, ist es keine Überraschung, warum es unsere erste Wahl für unsere Radferien ist! Schließen Sie sich uns an und beginnen Sie mit uns Ihr unglaubliches italienisches Abenteuer. Wir garantieren Ihnen, dass Sie es nicht bereuen werden!
Handverlesen von Black Sheep Mountainbiking
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What are the best mountainbike rental companies in Italy?
Even if we are not affiliated with a specific mountainbike rental company, the Vinschgau Valley and Finale Ligure offer plenty of great options for rental companies. We have had great experiences with "Maxx bike eldorado" in Vinschgau who provide services like overnight repairs, as well as offering bike loans. Meanwhile, in Finale Ligure mountainbike rentals can be found at every corner.
What are the beginner, intermediate, and advanced trip itineraries?
No two mtb trips are the same and that's one of the great things about traveling with us! From unique location to unique itinerary, our (tailored) mtb holidays represent an amazing opportunity for mountainbike enthusiasts. If you are looking for something really challenging, check out our 3 countries traverse through three countries— holding on to your handlebars won't be the only thing on your mind. However, if you're a beginner, why not join us in Germany, Winterberg or Austria in Brandnertal? Our 'Enjoyer' mtb trip is designed just for you! Finale Ligure also has something to offer intermediate riders—combining stunning nature views with mtb thrills. So don't wait, give yourself an mtb experience like no other and get in touch with us today!
What is included in the trip price?
When it comes to a mountainbike trip, all trips are different. Not only will you be exposed to the beautiful, rugged terrain of nature, but you may also receive including lessons in perseverance and adventure. With each trip comes a new lesson and experience; from what is included with the trip, to the unforgettable memories that you bring home with. The only certain thing is that each individual will venture back with a newfound appreciation for what Mother Nature has provided-- including our latest and greatest adventures!
What is the food like on the trip?
There's something almost spiritual about a holiday to Italy; it's more than just the incredible sights, it's about the food. Italian food is on another level, it takes all the simple flavors of everyday ingredients, and creates magic in minutes. We could really learn a lot from their approach to culinary culture, it shouldn't be too long before we start organizing trips strictly for eating Italian!
What are the accommodations like on the trip?
When it comes to mountainbike accommodation, you have the choice of going either way depending on your tastes and budget: a cozy dorm room for those with a limited budget, or a luxurious villa for those seeking to splurge. Whatever you choose will be sure to sooth your soul with its breathtaking mountain views, rejuvenating fresh air, and invigorating sound of birdsong. So make sure to keep an open mind — mountainbike accommodation does not always have to cost an arm and a leg!
Sie haben gefragt, wir haben geantwortet
Diese Jungs wissen, wie man Ihnen Ihre Traum-MTB-Reise beschert!! Ich war sowohl bei der Enjoyer- (2016) als auch bei der 3-Länder-Traverse-Woche (2017) dabei und beide waren nicht von dieser Welt! Sie zeigen dir die besten Tracks, die wahre Geheimtipps sind, geben tolle Tipps, wenn du willst, und sie wissen sicher, wie man Stoke zelebriert 😉 Wenn du nach einer Reise voller Stoke, wahrem Abenteuer und tollen Guides suchst, nimm an einer ihrer Reisen teil!
Bianca Louwen-Timmer